The phrase “how to last longer in bed” has been googled within Nigeria an average of about 5,400 times every month in the last twelve months. These statistics which is according to a search engine research performed through Ubersuggest and Wordtracker, two keyword research tools highlights just how many people are seeking information, sexual advice, and tips on how they can improve their sexual performance and prolong intimacy with their partners.
To address this genuine need, Durex decided to roll out a
campaign - #MakeLastingImpressions which was launched in
January and centers around conversations about sexual
performance, while introducing Durex Performa, specially designed to help couples experience a longer
duration of intimacy and achieve greater satisfaction during
The campaign was first launched on Twitter where influencers jumped on the hashtag to share their experiences and thoughts about early climax and women’s expectations for longer-lasting sex. In introducing the Durex Performa condom, the campaign unveiled Kiddwaya, former Big Brother Lockdown housemate as Mr. Performa who would drive conversations and engage with audiences around the topic of lasting longer during sex.
The Durex Performa is a condom specially designed to prolong sex for longer-lasting pleasure. The condom has a special lubricant called benzocaine that effectively delays climax, giving couples more time to make lasting impressions.
Durex Performa is a brilliant solution to an everyday concern between couples and can help you achieve greater sexual satisfaction in your relationship.
Let the best moments last longer. Play like a Performa!
Durex Performa is available online for same-day delivery on the Durex official Jumia store.