Most people are too shy to talk about sex honestly. We've busted some of the most common myths to bring you the truth (And no, your mate probably doesn't have a 14 inch penis.)
I'm not normal
Hairy nipples, droopy boobs, lopsided balls – everyone has insecurities. And then there's what and who you find sexy... But chances are you share most of your concerns with other people – who are also too shy to discuss it – and have some unique quirks. That's as normal as it gets.
You can't get pregnant if you have sex standing up/on your period/the first time you have sex
You risk pregnancy every time you have sex, so have safe sex every time, unless you want a baby. Sperm can survive in the body for several days and it takes one to get someone pregnant. The condom or female condom is great for safe sex and it protects against Sexually Transmitted Infection (STIs). Better still, you can use them with other forms of contraception to be extra safe and STI-free. If you've struggled with condoms, trying a different size such as Close feel or Comfort Fit can help. For more information see Brook (http://www.brook.org.uk/) or the Family Planning Association (http://www.fpa.org.uk/)
If you love someone, you have to have sex
Pressuring someone to have sex before they are ready is not loving, and having sex does not 'prove' love. Everyone feels ready at their own time (a few people never feel ready at all) so take it at your own pace.
Oral Sex is Safe
While you can't get pregnant from oral sex, it can still spread STIs including gonorrhoea, herpes and chlamydia – and orally transmitted STIs are currently on the increase. For safer oral, use flavoured condoms on a man and dental dams (latex squares) to cover a woman: both are easily available online. If you get cold sores, don't give oral while you have one as they are a form of herpes and can spread.
A man will die from blue balls if he doesn't have sex
Lack of sex can't harm men or women. You might feel frustrated, tense or horny but even though the ache can feel real, it does no damage. Masturbation helps relieve the frustration so let your fingers do the walking...
"While you can't get pregnant from oral sex, it can still spread STIs"